Kid's Cafe is always trying to improve their program. Please let us know what improvemnets and changes you think we should make :)
Debbie Gray
11/5/2019 08:06:50 am

I would like to know if there is any supportive funding available for a real Kids Cafe.
I own a building and would like to use it for a Cafe that serves hot healthy food. The cafe would be operated by teens. The vision is to have a economic development situation with the food industry and job training, A place
for development of proper etiquette and social skill for kids and parents. More importantly , People living in a isolated neighborhood will have a choice.
I need funding vfc for equipment startup cost.
We are a nonprofit.


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    Kid's Café

    We are looking forward to working with your children, and either continuing or establishing a relationship with you. We are always interested in hearning you suggestions in order to improve the program.


    December 2013

